The Fine Print

At Theatrical Academy, we are dedicated to providing high-quality, real-world theatre training for young individuals. As a privately-run organisation, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of training, with the understanding that the success of our programs depends on the commitment of our participants. In order to maintain transparency and fairness, our Dismissal & Refund Policy is thoughtfully structured as follows:

In the event of a contract breach resulting in the termination of study or a voluntary withdrawal, participants and/or legal guardians are responsible for settling any outstanding yearly fees owed to Theatrical Academy.

In instances involving dismissal or self-imposed withdrawal from the course, Theatrical Academy does not bear responsibility for refunding any fees already paid by the student or legal guardian.

While we acknowledge that exceptional circumstances may arise, it’s important to note that considerations for termination and withdrawals are applicable only up to four weeks before the course commencement and not once the course has commenced. This policy is in line with our commitment to delivering a consistent and high-quality educational experience for all participants.


At all times participants are expected to:


At all times participants are expected to:

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